Auchan Retail, Groupe Casino, DIA, METRO and Schiever will not renew their cooperation in 2022

15 April 2021

Auchan Retail, Groupe Casino, DIA, METRO and Schiever announce that they will not renew their cooperation in 2022 put in place through the structures Horizon France and Horizon International services.

After 3 years of collaboration and having achieved their initial objectives, Auchan Retail, Groupe Casino, DIA, METRO and Schiever, have, by mutual consent, agreed not to renew their cooperation agreements in 2022.

For the last 3 years, the partners have cooperated through two separate structures: Horizon Achats and Appels d’Offres (for Auchan Retail, Groupe Casino, METRO and Schiever) and Horizon International Services (for Auchan Retail, Groupe Casino, DIA and METRO). Going forward, they will each seek a purchasing set up that is directly aligned with their own strategic priorities.

The partners will continue to honor all of the obligations previously agreed with suppliers and partners until the end of 2021.