Gold Class Sustainability Award 2018

05 February 2018

METRO AG receives the Gold Class Sustainability Award for its excellent stainability performance awarded by RobecoSAM. For the third time in a row METRO is Gold Class Company in the sector Food and Staples Retailing in the annual Sustainability Yearbook of RobecoSAM, which is one of the leading rating agencies in the field of sustainability.

Gold Class Sustainability Award 2018

METRO AG receives the Gold Class Sustainability Award for its excellent stainability performance awarded by RobecoSAM. For the third time in a row METRO is Gold Class Company in the sector Food and Staples Retailing (see pdf) in the annual Sustainability Yearbook of RobecoSAM, which is one of the leading rating agencies in the field of sustainability.

Every year since 2004, the Sustainability Yearbook has listed the world's most sustainable companies in each industry as determined by their score in RobecoSAM's annual Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA). The RobecoSAM Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA) is an annual evaluation of companies' sustainability practices. Each year over 3,400 listed companies around the world get between 80-120 industry-specific questions focusing on economic, environmental and social factors that are relevant to the companies' success, but that are under-researched in conventional financial analysis.

On the Retail sector, RobecoSAM mentions: "retailers with expanded offerings of private label or store brands have benefited from higher margins. In addition, the sector has had to expand and adapt product offerings to suit the more health-conscious consumer as the health and wellness movement evolves from niche trend to mainstream retailers. As international sourcing of food and ingredients remains high, food retailers need to further improve the efficiency and transparency of their supply chains."

METRO has been awarded "industry leader"in the competitive sector Food & Staples Retailing already for the 3rd time in a row in September 2017 and therewith continues to belong to the group of world’s rel="noopener noreferrer" sustainability leaders (Pressrelease 2017). METRO is hereby listed as the best-in-sector in the leading international sustainability index Dow Jones Sustainability World as well as on the Europe index.