Annual Press Conference FY 2020/21

10:00 - 11:30

METRO Flaggs

Live Broadcast

Presentation Annual Press Conference FY 2020/21
Presentation Annual Press Conference FY 2020/21

Press Release

METRO achieves 2020/21 outlook – 3-7% sales growth expected for 2021/22

METRO met its adjusted sales and earnings outlook for financial year 2020/21 at the upper end of the guidance range. In the second half of the year, METRO’s business figures returned to the pre-pandemic level and even exceeded it from June onwards.

Additional Information

Annual Report 2020/21 - Let's do this

Annual Report 2020/21

CR Progress Report 2020/21 - Let's do this

Corporate Responsibility Progress Report 2020/21

Last-mile logistics: right to the customer’s doorstep

Last-mile logistics: right to the customer’s doorstep

Curriculum Vitae Dr Steffen Greubel
Curriculum Vitae Dr Steffen Greubel
Dr Steffen Greubel, Chairman of the Management Board

Dr Steffen Greubel, Chairman of the Management Board

Curriculum Vitae Christian Baier
Christian Baier, Chief Financial Officer

Christian Baier, Chief Financial Officer


Media Contacts

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