METRO continues to grow in Q3 2022/23 despite challenging economic conditions

10 August 2023

Growth course and consistent implementation of the sCore strategy also continued in Q3 2022/23

  • Sales development continues to be positive due to consistent implementation of the sCore strategy
    • Currency- and portfolio-adjusted sales increase by 5.9%
    • Sales in local currency increase by 2.5%, reported sales decrease by 3.4% to €7.6 billion (PY: €7.9 billion) due to negative currency and portfolio1 effects
    • Adjusted EBITDA reaches €332 million (Q3 2021/22: €441 million)
  • Further growth of online marketplace and delivery business: METRO MARKETS sales increase to €36 million (+97.4%), delivery sales to €1.8 billion (+2.0%); sales in store-based business decline to €5.8 billion (–5.3%) due to currency and portfolio effects
  • Sales growth in local currency in all segments except Russia
  • Net profit for the period2 amounts to €174 million in Q3 2022/23 (Q3 2021/22: €–290 million), earnings per share increase to €0.48 in Q3 2022/23 (Q3 2021/22: €–0.80); this includes €0.27 from the sale of the Indian business
  • Outlook for FY 2022/23 is confirmed for the group

1 Japan, Myanmar, Belgium, JHB and India.
2 Attributable to METRO shareholders.

METRO continued its growth course and the consistent implementation of the sCore strategy in Q3 2022/23 as well. The past quarter was characterised by challenging economic conditions due to persistent inflation, rising costs and a decline in out-of-home consumption in Germany and western Europe in April and May due to weather conditions. In addition, the sales figures of the Indian business were only included until April 2023 following its sale. Overall, sales in local currency increased by 2.5%, while currency- and portfolio-adjusted sales increased by 5.9%. The growth was driven by the delivery business and METRO MARKETS as well as the East and West segments in particular, while sales in Russia declined. Reported sales declined by 3.4% to €7.6 billion due to negative currency effects (especially in Türkiye and Russia) and portfolio effects (in particular the sale of the Indian and Belgian businesses). Adjusted EBITDA reached €332 million (Q3 2021/22: €441 million). The decline is mainly due to the expiry of post-transaction effects (primarily Real) and licence revenues from the partnership with Wumei as well as the developments in Germany and further in Russia. The outlook for sales and adjusted EBITDA is confirmed for the financial year 2022/23 for the group; the mid-term ambitions are also confirmed.

“We continued our growth journey in Q3 2023 despite a challenging market environment as well as a strong quarter last year. We are growing both our delivery and digital businesses and are seeing good progress in the wholesale transformation of our stores. This includes optimising our assortment as well as expanding our volume-based pricing model ‘buy more, pay less’ and strengthening delivery out of stores. The goal is to further develop our stores into efficient warehouses and logistics platforms to ensure an optimal interaction between store-based business and delivery, as well as between stores and depots, and thus achieve our ambitious goals in the delivery business. Moreover, we are also seeing strong progress in the strategic key performance indicators: on the one hand, we were able to significantly expand our sales force and delivery infrastructure, while again significantly increasing the strategic customer share and digital sales share compared to the first half of the year on the other hand. This shows that we are on the right track with the sCore strategy implementation. We will continue to consistently pursue this path with a view to gaining further market shares and achieving our ambitions for 2030,” said Dr Steffen Greubel, CEO of METRO AG.

Sales and earnings growth by segment

In Germany, sales increased by 1.9% in Q3 2022/23. The HoReCa business was restrained in April and May due to the weather conditions. However, adjusted for inflation, the overall sales trend improved again in May and June. Market shares gained could be defended. Adjusted EBITDA decreased significantly to €35 million (Q3 2021/22: €64 million). This was due to the already-expected cost inflation, the year-on-year decline in the inflation rate and the weather-related restrained gastronomy business in April and May. In addition, there were continued investments in price positioning as well as selective adjustments to the assortment and stock.

In the West segment, sales increased by 1.6% in Q3 2022/23. France and Spain in particular, as well as the delivery specialists Pro à Pro France, Pro a Pro Spain and Aviludo, contributed to this with double-digit growth. Since May 2023, the sales of the Swedish delivery specialist JHB have also been included in these figures. Sales development with HoReCa customers was restrained due to the weather conditions. The HoReCa business in France, Spain and Italy developed well and market shares gained were defended. Adjusted EBITDA decreased slightly to €195 million (Q3 2021/22: €203 million). The expected actual cost inflation already had an impact. There were no significant transformation gains in total. EBITDA increased to €196 million (Q3 2021/22: €65 million), mainly driven by the absence of prior-year costs in connection with the sale of the Belgian business in the amount of €138 million.

In Russia, sales declined by 2.7% in local currency in Q3 2022/23. Reported sales decreased by 21.1% due to negative exchange rate effects and reached €0.6 billion. Adjusted EBITDA decreased to €37 million in Q3 2022/23 (Q3 2021/22: €54 million). Adjusted for exchange rate effects, adjusted EBITDA decreased by €8 million. The decrease is mainly due to the difficult macroeconomic environment and the associated decline in margins.

In the East segment, sales in Q3 2022/23 increased by 4.2% in local currency. Due to negative exchange rate effects, especially in Türkiye, reported sales decreased by 8.6%. In Q3 2022/23, adjusted EBITDA decreased to €89 million (Q3 2021/22: €108 million). Adjusted for exchange rate effects, adjusted EBITDA decreased by €8 million. Transformation gains of €149 million (Q3 2021/22: €0 million) were generated, in particular from the sale of the Indian business. EBITDA increased to €237 million (Q3 2021/22: €108 million).

In the Others segment, sales in Q3 2022/23 increased by €29 million to €60 million (Q3 2021/22: €31 million) and include in particular METRO MARKETS sales of €36 million (Q3 2021/22: €18 million). The increase is driven by the strong growth of the marketplace in Germany, Spain, Italy, Portugal and the Netherlands. The sales of POS provider Eijsink (first consolidation as of 31 March 2022) and Günther Group (first consolidation as of 1 August 2022) also contributed to the increase. In Q3 2022/23, adjusted EBITDA was €–23 million (Q3 2021/22: €10 million). The decline is due to the expiry of post-transaction effects (Real), further investments in digitalisation and IT and the expiry of license revenue from the partnership with Wumei. There were no significant transformation costs. In total, EBITDA decreased to €–26 million (Q3 2021/22: €11 million).

As of 30 June 2023, the store network comprised 628 locations, thereof 524 out-of-store (OOS) and 73 depots. Due to the sale of the Indian business, the 31 Indian METRO stores are no longer included in the store network. Furthermore, two of the AGM stores, in Klagenfurt and Bludenz respectively, were divested due to antitrust requirements. In Q3, the network was expanded by 8 depots: 5 depots from the acquisition of the delivery specialist JHB, 2 depots at the delivery specialist Classic Fine Foods and another depot in Spain.

METRO key financial figures 9M 2022/23

METRO in figures
Key financial figures (€ million) 9M 2021/22 9M 2022/23 Change Change in %
Sales (net) 21,761 22,647 886 4.1%
Adjusted EBITDA 1,119 909 -210 -18.7%
EBIT 270 644 374 -
Earnings per share in € (basic = diluted) -1.04 1.62 2.67 -

Multichannel development
Sales development (€ million) 9M 2021/22 9M 2022/23 Change Ambition FY 2030
Store-based and other business 17,204 17,488 284 ~1.2 x vs. 2020/21
FSD 4,508 5,078 570 > 3 x vs. 2020/21
METRO MARKETS Sales 49 81 32 -
METRO MARKETS Marketplace sales1 95 126 30 > €3 billion

1 Total volume of METRO MARKETS platform (and third-party platforms) excluding VAT and after cancellations, but before any deductions; includes seller sales in full.


30.09.2022 30.06.20231 Veränderung Veränderung in %
Stores & delivery (number of countries) 31 32 1 -
Marketplace (number of countries) 3 5 2 -
DISH POS2 (number of countries) 0 2 2 -
Stores (number of locations) 661 628 -33 -5%

thereof delivery OOS3 (number of locations)

(567) (524) (-43) (-8%)
FSD depots (number of locations) 64 73 9 14%

1 Due to the sale of the Indian business, METRO India is no longer included in the country portfolio and the 31 Indian METRO stores are no longer included in the store network.
2 DISH POS is an all-in-one cloud-based POS system with solutions for the hospitality industry. The product was developed by POS provider Eijsink. After the acquisition by METRO Hospitality Digital in March 2022, the product was further developed and integrated into the digital Dish Tools offering.
3 OOS refers to the existing METRO location portfolio and includes METRO stores that deliver from the store on the one hand and stores that operate their own depot in the store on the other.

METRO segments sales and EBITDA figures Q3 2022/23

Sales (€ million) Change (€) Currency effects Change
(local currency)

Total 7,911 7,642 26.6% -3.4% -0.5% -5.9% 27.2% 2.5%
Germany 1,234 1,257 17.3% 1.9% 0.0% 0.0% 17.3% 1.8%
West 3,301 3,355 31.7% 1.6% 0.0% 0.0% 31.7% 1.6%
Russia 707 557 23.2% -21.1% 19.8% -18.4% 3.4% -2.7%
East 2,639 2,413 25.7% -8.6% -7.6% -12.8% 33.3% 4.2%
Others 31 60 - - - - - -

Adjusted EBITDA Transformation costs (+) or transformation gains (-) Earnings contributions (+) from real estate

€ million
Total 441 332 -109 136 -148 -1 -1 305 480
Germany 64 35 -30 0 0 0 0 64 35
West 203 195 -8 138 -1 0 1 65 196
Russia 54 37 -16 0 0 0 0 54 37
East 108 89 -19 0 -149 0 0 108 237
Others 10 -23 -34 -2 1 -1 -1 11 -26
Consolidation 2 0 -2 0 0 0 0 2 0

METRO segments sales and EBITDA figures in 9M 2022/23

Sales (€ million) Change (€) Currency effects Change
(local currency)

Total 21,761 22,647 23.4% 4.1% -0.6% -1.5% 24.0% 5.5%
Germany 3,523 3,679 6.5% 4.4% 0.0% 0.0% 6.5% 4.4%
West 8,875 9,287 37.5% 4.6% 0.0% 0.0% 37.5% 4.6%
Russia 2,080 2,016 16.6% -3.0% 7.9% 7.7% 8.7% -10.8%
East 7,211 7,508 19.1% 4.1% -4.3% -7.5% 23.4% 11.6%
Others 72 157 - - - - - -

Adjusted EBITDA Transformation costs (+) or transformation gains (-) Earnings contributions (+) from real estate

€ million
Total 1,119 909 -210 130 -151 13 207 1,002 1,267
Germany 144 110 -34 0 0 0 0 144 110
West 457 427 -30 138 -3 1 5 321 435
Russia 169 118 -51 0 0 1 0 170 118
East 292 285 -7 -5 -146 8 0 305 431
Others 57 -36 -93 -3 -2 3 202 62 168
Consolidation 0 5 5 0 0 0 0 0 5

METRO is a leading international food wholesaler which specialises in serving the needs of hotels, restaurants, and caterers (HoReCa) as well as independent merchants (Traders). Around the world, METRO has approx. 17 million customers who benefit from the wholesale company’s unique multichannel mix: customers can purchase their goods in one of the large stores in their area as well as by delivery (Food Service Distribution, FSD) – all digitally sup-ported and connected. In parallel, METRO MARKETS is being developed as an international online marketplace for the needs of professional customers which has been growing and expanding continuously since 2019. Acting sustainably is one of the company principles of METRO which has been listed in various sustainability indices and rankings for many years, including FTSE4Good, MSCI and CDP. METRO operates in more than 30 countries and employs over 93,000 people worldwide. In financial year 2021/22, METRO generated sales of €29.8 billion. More information can be found at, our online magazine.

Further information

Quarterly Statement Q3 2022/23

10 August 2023, 18:30 CEST

9M/Q3 2022/23 Results Presentation

11 August 2023, 08:45 CEST