METRO supports gastronomy with an emotional campaign this Christmas season
17 November 2020
Amongst others the gastronomy sector has been especially hit hard by the effects of the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic – this holds true for most countries worldwide. Many businesses are struggling to survive. Due to governmental restrictions as well as uncertainty amongst consumers, also the business outlook for independent business owners does not look very promising for the upcoming months. For this reason, METRO launched an extensive advertising Christmas campaign for the first time addressing the general public. The campaign #GiveYourKitchenABreak calls up everybody to order this year’s Christmas menu from a restaurant near them instead of home cooking. With this initiative METRO wants to support its millions of professional customers in all METRO/MAKRO countries especially in the restaurant, hotel and catering field.
The core of the campaign is an emotional video, highlighting the challenges caused by the current restrictions of social life. With this initiative METRO wants to generate more sales volume for the numerous business owners in gastronomy as partnership counts more than business. The global campaign is brought to life in up to 18 METRO countries across various media like Social Media, and TV. It is adapted for the different countries and can be found for example under the claim #GönntEurerKücheEinePause in Germany, #DêUmDescansoÀCozinha in Portugal or #MettiInPausaLaTuaCucina in Italy.
For the past months METRO has continued to stand at the side of its professional customers and takes a strong stand for gastronomy with various support initiatives and solutions. Such as offering digital solutions for guest registering in restaurants, possibilities for integrating online food and take away ordering, as well as a bunch of customized offers, and individual advise to bridge the temporary lockdowns. The campaign #GiveYourKitchenABreak extends the strong commitment from METRO.
The video story centers on a very normal family. Their experiences are mirroring the situation of a lot of families all over the world over the past year: Good food, preparations for the festive season and quality time together often fall short due to the hectic and frustrating everyday life. The main message of the campaign video: #GiveYourKitchenABreak, allow quality time with your family by having your Christmas menu delivered by a local restaurant. By doing so, you not only treat yourself, but support gastronomy. With this film, METRO for the first time directly approaches end consumers in a touching way, in order to back up the HoReCa businesses while fighting for their existence. The encouragement to make the festive season even more enjoyable for oneself and thereby support a restaurant, is supposed to boost the sales of gastronomy.